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American Dove Association
Wilmer J. Miller PhD. - Ringneck Doves.
Commercial Sites
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Wade Oliver - The Dove Page
Doveland Press - Diamond Doves
Dove Genera of the World
Cinnamon Ground Dove or Golden Heart Dove
Gallicolumba rufigula
Photograph used with permission of Crimson, Hong Kong
The intent of this page is to show a wide range
of the doves species by displaying a photograph of one or more species for each
pigeon/dove genus This page was started after an aviculturist in Hong Kong known as Crimson
gave me permission to use photographs that he posted on the Pigeon-Dove mailing
list in 1999 and 2000. There was always a question about some of the
species, but once the Gibbs, Barnes, and Cox book was available I believe all species
have correctly identified. Since that time additional
photographs were obtained from various sources and this page now includes 45 species that are representatives of
17 of the 41 pigeon/dove genera.
About doves and pigeons: Birds called doves
and birds called pigeons all belong to the Columbidae family of birds.
Birds called doves are usually smaller in size and birds called pigeons are
usually larger in size.
I would like to note that I am always looking for
photographs and and the photographer's permission to use them so I can come
closer to completing this collection.
The genera are in the order presented in the book
"Pigeons and Doves of the World" by David Gibbs, Eustace Barnes,
and John Cox that was published in 2001.
Please understand that this is a long page that
contains many photographs, thus loading will take a few minutes.
Photo credits for all species displayed here are
listed at the bottom of the chart. Permission to use any of these photos
must be obtained from the photographer.
Descriptive Name, and Range |
of Species
Representative Species Common
Name and Scientific Name
1 Columba
Rock Pigeons, Wood Pigeons
World Wide
54 |
Rock Dove
C. livia
Common Wood Pigeon
C. palumbus
Pale Capped Pigeon
C. punicea
White Crowned Pigeon
C. leucocephala
Band Tailed Pigeon
C. fasciata
Red Billed Pigeon
C. flavirostris
2 Streptopelia
Collared Doves
Europe, Africa, Asia
Spotted Dove
S. chinensis
European Collared Dove
S. delcaocto
African Collared Dove, Barbary Dove
S. roseogrisa
S.roseogrisa var risora
3 Macropygia
Cuckoo Doves
Asia, Australia
10 |
Little Cuckoo Dove
M. ruficeps
4 Reinwardtoena
Cuckoo Doves
East Indies
3 |
5 Turacoena
Cuckoo Doves
East Indies
2 |
Black cuckoo dove
Turacoena modesta |
6 Turtur
Wood Doves
5 |
7 Oena
Cape Dove
1 |
Cape Dove
Oena capensis
8 Chalcophaps
Emerald Doves
Asia, Australia
2 |
Emerald Dove
C. indica
9 Henicophaps
Bronzewing Doves
East Indies
2 |
10 Phaps
Bronzewing Doves
3 |
11 Geophaps
Bronzewing Doves
4 |
12 Petrophassa
Bronzewing Doves
2 |
13 Geopelia
Australian Turtle
Asia, Australia
5 |
Diamond Dove
G. cuneata
Zebra Dove
G. striata
Barred Dove
G. maugei
Peaceful Dove
G. placadia
Bar Shouldered Dove
G. humeralis
14 Leucosarcia
Wonga Pigeon
1 |
Wonga Pigeon
L. melanoleuca
15 Ectopistes
Passenger Pigeon
North America
1 |
Passenger Pigeon
E. migratorius
16 Zenaida
Zenaida Doves
North, Central, and South America
7 |
Mourning Dove
Z. macroura
White Winged Dove
Z. asiatica
17 Scardafella
New World Ground
North, Central, and South America
2 |
Inca Dove
S. inca

Scaled Dove
18 Columbina
New World Ground Doves
North, Central, and South America
7 |
Common Ground Dove
C. passerina
Rudy Ground Dove
C. talpacoti
19 Claravis
Ground Doves
Central and South America
3 |
20 Metriopelia
High Altitude
Ground Doves
South America (Andes
4 |
21 Uropelia
Long Tailed Ground
South America (Brazil)
1 |
Long Tailed Ground
U. campestris
22 Leptotila
Rio Grande Valley - Texas, Central and South America
11 |
White Tipped Dove
L. verreauxi
23 Geotrygon
Quail Dove
Central and South America
17 |
24 Starnoenas
Blue Headed Quail
1 |
Blue Headed Quail
S. cyanocephala (Endangered)
25 Caloenas
East Indies
2 |
Nicobar Pigeon
C. nicobarica
26 Gallicolumbia
Ground Doves
East Indies, Philippines, Pacific Islands
20 |
Cinnamon Ground Dove
G. rufigula
Bleeding Heart Dove
G. luzonica
27 Trugon
Thick Billed
Ground Pigeon
East Indies
1 |
Thick Billed
Ground Pigeon
T. terrestris
28 Microgoura
Choiseul Pigeon
East Indies
1 |
Choiseul Pigeon
M. meeki
29 Otidiphaps
Pheasant Pigeon
East Indies
1 |
Pheasant Pigeon
O. nobilis
30 Phapitreron
Brown Doves
3 |
31 Treron
Green Pigeons
Africa, Asia
23 |
Green Tailed Pigeon
T. apicauda
32 Ptilinopus
Fruit Doves
Asia, Australia
Pink Headed
Fruit Dove
P. porphyreus
Black backed Fruit Dove
P. cinctus
Jambu Fruit Dove
Pink Spotted Fruit
P. perlatus
Wompoo Fruit Dove
P. magnificus
Ornate Fruit Dove
P. ornatus
Orange Fronted Fruit Dove
P. aurantiifrons
Superb Fruit Dove
P. superbus
Beautiful Fruit
P. pulchellus |
Orange Bellied
Fruit Dove
P. iozonus
33 Depanoptila
Clover Feathered Dove
Pacific Islands
1 |
Clover Feathered Dove
34 Alectroenas
Blue Pigeons
Madagascar, Indian Ocean Islands
4 |
35 Ducula
Imperial Pigeons
Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands
36 |
Green Imperial Pigeon
D. aenea
Pink Headed Imperial Pigeon
D. rosacea
Pinon Imperial Pigeon
D. pinon
Pied Imperial Pigeon
D. bicolor
36 Lopholaimus
Topknot Pigeon
1 |
Topknot Pigeon
L. antarclicus
37 Hemiphaga
New Zealand Pigeon
New Zealand
1 |
New Zealand Pigeon
H. novaeseelandiae
38 Cryptophaps
Sombre Pigeon
1 |
Sombre Pigeon
C. poecilorrhoa
39 Gymnophaps
Mountain Pigeons
East Indies
3 |
40 Goura
Crowned Pigeons
East Indies
3 |
41 Didunculus
Pacific Islands (Samoa)
1 |
D. Strigirostris
Photo Credits
Gallicolumba rufigula - Crimson, Hong Kong
1 Columba livia - Helen White, Tallahassee FL USA
- 1 Columba palumbus - Melissa A. Nashat,
Copenhagen, Denmark
1 Columba punicea - Crimson, Hong Kong
- 1 Columba
leucocephala -
Larry Manfredi - http://www.southfloridabirding.com
- 1 Columba fasciata
- David Keenan, San Jose, California
- 1 Columba flavirostris
- - Richard L. Garrigues
2 Streptopelia chinensis - K.W.Bridges, University of Hawaii
Streptopelia decaocto - Jeremy Lee, http://www.uknature.co.uk
Streptopelia roseogrisa - Helen White, Tampa FL USA
3 Macropygia_ruficeps - Crimson, Hong Kong
- 5 Turacoena modesta - Neville Kemp, UK/Indonesia
- 7 Oena capensis - Crimson, Hong Kong
- 8 Chalcophaps indica - Crimson, Hong Kong
13 Geopelia cuneata - Helen White
- 13 Geopelia striata - Helen White
13 Geopelia maugei -
Neville Kemp, UK/Indonesia
13 Geopelia placida -
Philip Hamilton, Australia
13 Geopelia humeralis -
David Armbrust, Australia - http://www.anhs.com.au
- 15 Ectopistes migratorius - Angelica Maria
White, New York, USA
16 Zenaida_macroura -
Gary Friedman
- 16 Zenadia asiatica - Robert Schantz - Arizona,
17 Scardafella inca -
John Boyd, http://jboyd.net/.
17 Scardafella squammata - John
- 18 Columbina passerina - Don
DesJardin, Florida, USA
- 18 Columbina talpacoti - John Boyd, http://jboyd.net/
22 Leptotila verreauxi
- John Boyd,
25 Caloenas nicobarcia - Helen White
26 Gallicolumba_rufigula - Crimson, Hong Kong
26 Gallicolulmba_luzonica - Helen White
29 Otidiphaps_nobilis - Crimson, Hong Kong
31 Treron_apicauda - Crimson, Hong Kong
32 Ptilinopus_porphyreus - Crimson, Hong Kong
- 32 Ptilinopus_cinctus
Neville Kemp, UK/Indonesia
32 Ptilinopus_jambu - Crimson, Hong Kong
32 Ptilinopus_magnificus - Crimson, Hong Kong
32 Ptilinopus_perlatus - Crimson, Hong Kong
32 Ptilinopus_ornatus - Crimson, Hong Kong
32 Ptilinopus_aurantiifrons - Crimson, Hong Kong
32 Ptilinopus_superbus - Crimson, Hong Kong
32 Ptilinopus_pulchellus - Crimson, Hong Kong
32 Ptilinopus_iozonus - Crimson, Hong Kong
35 Ducula_aenea - Crimson, Hong Kong
- 35 Ducula_rosacea - Neville Kemp.
35 Ducula_pinon - Crimson, Hong Kong
35 Ducula_bicolor - Crimson, Hong Kong
©2006 - Helen White
Helen White
P. O. Box 367,
Tallahassee, FL 32302-0367
Last revised on: July 4, 2006